C. Bechstein

After hundreds of years of craftsmanship and care, even today Bechstein manufactures pianos at the highest level.
The piano manufacturing firm Bechstein was established in 1853 by Carl Bechstein in Berlin, Germany Carl Bechstein died in 1900 and his sons Johann, Carl, and Edwin assumed responsibilities for continuing the company.
When the sons died, Helene Bechstein came into ownership with Karl Bechstein now managing the firm. In 1963 the American company, Baldwin Piano, purchased the controlling stock and the remainder of the shares in 1974. Baldwin Piano then sold to Karl Scultze in 1986. In 1992 Bechstein Gruppe-Berlin was established as the controllers of the Bechstein company.
Many pianists and composers have endorsed Bechstein pianos in their history and this includes include Hans von Bülow, Wilhelm Furtwängler, Artur Schnabel, Wilhelm Kempff, Leopold Godowsky, Walter Gieseking and Wilhelm Bachkaus. Composer Claude Debussy highly prized Bechstein pianos and made the statement, “Piano music should only be written for the Bechstein.”

Office Website: https://www.bechstein.com/en/
Company History: https://www.bechstein.com/en/die-welt-von-bechstein/tradition/1850-1855/

Update on PTA Bechstein Training Day, 26 November at Bechstein Centre in Manchester, conducted by Bechstein’s Chief Concert Technician Torben Garlin

Photo: https://www.facebook.com/Piano.Technician.HK/posts/pfbid08Bx7mC4ERj1tN26M2d9Yi3toPeq83wCxbLzBBXctUJv9y7PNs5Qh9ucbJAoHxGjdl

Bechstein is now under the private ownership of German real estate mogul Stefan Freymuth, operates 4 brands with their respective lines & manufacturing sites stated as below:
C. Bechstein: Concert, Academy, Residence, manufacted in Seifhennersdorf (Saxony), former Zimmermann factory
W. Hoffmann: Professional, Traditional, Vision, manufacted in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Zimmermann: Standard, Studio, manufacted in China by Pearl River & Hailun & quality control carried out by Hoffmann
Feurich (acquistion is recent)


Innovation/ Changes in Design & Manufacturing
To concern over quality, Bechstein is now producing its own hammers, and plan to start making keys and more action parts over time
Pressure Bar instead of agraffes
Staggered duplex system (adopted from grand models)
No plate bushings around tuning pins
Action rails are still made from rosewood but now coated with brass to increase energy transfer from key to hammer
Introduction of optical sensor ral below keyboard as standard to enable connectivity with future apps


On pitch, Bechsteins are intially tued up to 450Hz and leave factory at 445Hz. (Help tuning duplex)
Pianos generally sink to about 443Hz in-Store.
They should be tuned to 440-443Hz.


Touch Weight
50g-55g on descent and ~30g for ascent, tested with sustain pedal down


Key Depth
Non-Vario: 10mm
Vario: 9.8mm


Source: PTA News Dec 2023 issue

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