在一般情況下, 斷線的應對方法是配線更換.
但一來一回, 問題可無法馬上解決.
如果是在緊急情況, 例如 concert 等等, 換線不一定是可行的做法.
在這情況下就有可能用到 Splicing.
Splicing 本身自然不是件容易的技術, 而以下的 Splicing 可以說是經典中的經典, 傳奇中的傳奇:
美國的 Mr. Yat Lam Hong, RPT 有以下的 Comments:
This double splicing was probably done just to prove that it could be done.
I don’t know how much time Doug spent on this job, but it’s certainly not a practical repair for technicians who go from house to house servicing pianos.
If you think it’s easy, try it during your Christmas vacation!
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