電子拍子機 的 Check 音準功能 有多準確?

現在好多電子拍子機 (甚至 IPhone Apps) 好多都有 音準機 (Electronic Tuner) 的功能.
你有想過它有多準確嗎? 可看看以下的資料:
In music, an electronic tuner is a device used by musicians to detect and display the pitch of notes played on musical instruments. The simplest tuners use LED lights to indicate approximately whether the pitch of the note played is lower, higher, or approximately equal to the desired pitch. More complex and expensive tuners indicate more precisely the difference between offered note and desired pitch.


以上說的是專用的電子音準機, 而本地的電子拍子機售價只是 幾百港元, 其 Check 音準功能 有多準確可想而知.
再看看以下鋼琴調音師傅使用 電子音準機 的資料:
Harp makers, and early instrument restorers and makers (e.g., harpsichords) use electronic tuners to assist with their tuning. Experienced piano tuners may chooses to use High End electronic tuner to perform tuning if more than one piano will be used in the same performance (Especially when there are four or more pianos will be used). However, electronic tuner are used by mostly amateur piano technician while the experienced one tunes piano solely by Ear due to two main reason: 1. Inaccuracy increases with pitch frequency; 2. Electronic tuner’s incapability to ensure chords being tuned till well-harmonized.


如果使用電子音準機是檢查音準的最好方法, 國際間的鋼琴技師公會應該大力推薦, 而不是鼓勵行內人士去學好如何用 音叉 & 耳朵 去做調音工作.


Wikipedia (27 Aug 2013)

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